Supportive Services at New Housing Ohio
New Housing Ohio’s enhanced permanent supportive housing model was developed through years of working in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs as well as permanent housing programs with the realization that an innovative approach would be necessary to ensure success renting to low-income/disabled, homeless populations.
NHO property management conducts all of the traditional activities of a landlord (e.g. tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance and repairs, and evictions) with the goal of minimizing evictions and maximizing housing stability. The blending of supportive services with property management helps NHO focus on the double bottom line: both people and properties.
The goal of Housing Support Services is to assist tenants to maintain stable housing and enhance their quality of life. The basic principles of NHO’s Housing Supportive Services Program include:
Housing First Philosophy
Housing is a basic human need that must be met in order for someone to successfully make a major change in his/her life. The primary focus of NHO’s supportive housing program is to help tenants address issues that threaten housing stability.
Separation of Property Management & Service Provider Roles
NHO provides supportive housing services outside of traditional property management to ensure tenant’s rights and emphasize their status as leaseholders and not program participants.
Services are Provided On-Site
Supportive Housing Services staff work out of offices located at two of NHO’s properties, frequently visit tenant’s apartments and meet with tenants in the community.
Services are Flexible and Individualized
Services can vary in intensity based on tenant need and are designed so the tenants may move in and out of service participation as needed. Individualized service plans are developed by each tenant as they relate to both housing permanency and quality of life.
Community Building
Building community among tenants and helping reconnect tenants with family, friends and the community at large are key to overcoming the stigma and isolation of homelessness, disability and poverty.
Benefits Management
This service is provided to residents who need assistance in managing their earned income and/or benefits including, but not limited to SSI/SSDI, Medicare/Medicaid, and Food Stamps. Supportive Service staff meets with tenants to explain how utilizing the FDIC Money Smart Curriculum can help them reach financial stability and self-sufficiency.